Monday, October 24, 2011

Please follow here if you would be ever so kind...

I'll be following my current followers when I get the chance. Unfollow this blog as well please.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

What to do?

I noticed my ads weren't showing up on my page anymore so I looked up what to do and there was some post about curse words so I went back edit everything I have posted took out f-bomb's and all that nice garbage. There were also a bunch of comments about the ad code or something, so I'm not to sure what to do there.

Hopefully my ads come back up though.

It's kinda weird though because after I post if I go to view post the ads will show and under preview blog some are there...

Company Flow

A song by company flow, check it out.
This group has to be one of the best Hip-Hop groups of all time.
It consist of El-P Bigg Jus Mr.Len

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Standing in lines...and the word "EPIC"

Ughhh where to go on this one?
Standing in lines....It sucks people say the dumbest shit all the time, but you REALLY notice it when you're standing in line at the gas station waiting to buy a mountain dew and a pack of ciggs.

 For example this morning I woke up, took a shower, lifted my weights and put on some clean clothes to go get some goodies at the local Casey's down the street. I get there and I'm already annoyed by the fact there's a really long line at least 7 people and one cashier, So I kinda already knew it was going to be one of those "oh for ___ sake please doo nott..." experiences. What made it worse was right after I got my dew and my ID ready for the cashier to check so I could get my ciggs these two fat guys reeking of weed (not that weed is a problem. ) kinda pushed the elderly lady behind me and myself and shoved their fat selves in line. Normally I would probably be a D__ about this situation but I was feeling tired and didn't want to make some scene in the middle of Casey's because it was 8:35 in the morning, So I let that shit pass thinking I could get over it.

 The fat guy in the grey shirt practically pooped his pants farting. Then him and his other fat friend started talking and it's hard to ignore because they have these annoying little voices that remind you of the fat kid from American dad meets bevis and butthead, So what're they talking about? Mortal Kombat. The conversation wasn't to long but it really annoyed because the fat guy in the grey shirt was all "Dude, last night when I beat Shane in mortal kombat was so fucking epic like dude he had no chance at all I was so doing him so hard in the mouth last night"  HOLD UP HOLD UP! Did this prick just say "Epic"? Let's ignore the "doing him so hard in the mouth" thing here because I've heard worse on Runescape, but seriously EPIC? 

Epic is another one of those words I hate, Sure it was almost okay in 2006-07 whenever people started to constantly use it. But for ___ sake, I really doubt that there is anything EPIC about doing shane in the mouth in Mortal Kombat. INFACT I doubt there is anything EPIC in your Mortal Kombat couch sitting weed smoking lifes at all, EXCEPT how rude and fat you are.

People, Quit saying EPIC, It's lame and stupid. Not that my opinion matters..

Oh and let's ignore the fact epic was used completely wrong in the first place.

But least I made it out of Casey's without raging on someone... edit post to take out curse are not showing up and I was told do this or I gotta do some code thing...

Thursday, October 20, 2011

10 most hated words

10. Tubular - It's just a stupid word
 9. Rad - Only want-2-be hippie kids use that word anymore.
 8. Gnarly - It sounds so lame when you say that.
 7. Uber - only outside the context of any dead kennedys song. It's just a word that's been abused :( Kinda like "Amazing" and "Swag"
 6. Cigarette - I smoke them but I can never spell the word right.
 5. Amazing - It's 2011 and every idiot think's something is just AMAZING, some things really are amazing, like EL-P's production, Or how a turtle can have two heads. But beth wanting to change her hair style isn't amazing.
  4. Anarchy - LOL IM 12 AND LISTEN TO GREEN DAY DOWN WITH GOVERNMENT UP WITH PUNK LOL ANARCHIST 4 LYFE ( Feel free to replace green day with any other band)
  3. Illuminati - Because every time there's a political conversation or a life discussion some high idiot will bring up Illuminati and they never know whatthey are talking about. They're also the people you can convince Reptoids are running underground cities in the ground.
  2. Winter - I just hate the thought of winter coming, No real reason.

Bitch 1 :"Did you hear Tyler the creator's new album GOBLIN?"

Bitch 2 : "Yeah man that album was so SWAAAGGG tyler's got so much swag man"

    First of all, Goblin sucked and Tyler is an overrated rapper edit post to take out curse are not showing up and I was told do this or I gotta do some code thing...

wow just wow

So I woke up and my step mom is calling me this morning while she's out of town so I pick up and she starts asking me to put some stupid card for her nieces birthday in the mail, so whatever I grab the card open the door and go outside to put the card in the mail, After I get halfway to the street I look up and notice our mailbox is missing....Like really, A whole mailbox is missing? Anyway I found it down the street some idiot who hates me is probably resolving his issues by fucking with my mailbox, oh well. Just a weird way to start the morning.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

What a bunch of circle jerking idiots of the worst sites on this thing we call the internet. It's sohorrible it's nothing but a bunch of idiots circle jerking and reblogging already reblogged stupid and unfunny pictures. Mostly horrible memes and stupid "nostalgic" bullcrap from idiots in their 20's trying to re-live their childhood. I don't know what's worse the fact Tumblr is frequented by Circle jerking idiots. The fact these idiots reblogg the same post as everyone else and pretend they're original for it and getting tons of followers and flashing it off to their friends like they came up with it, OR the fact the fact half the users act like they're on some kind of underground site that's for cool kids only. Tumblr is just another dried up and used websites on the internet (Although it's not the only one guhguh). But whatever i'm just cynical posting on blogger trying to get followers myself, so maybe i'm the circle jerking idiot.!


Oh, by the way....If you use Dumblr, delete that right now it's horrible do humanity a favor and start killing that site now by deleting your accounts. Facebook to "BAWWWW MY MOM DOESN'T LOVE ME ENOUGHHHHHH". edit post to take out curse are not showing up and I was told do this or I gotta do some code thing...

Boring as...

Last few days have been nothing but stupid stuff, looking for jobs, walking a few miles just to apply for a job. It's lame. Not to mention it's getting colder and colder oh well, Got me some pokemanz. I'll probably do a less whateveryoucalldumbstufflikethis post later. Something about music maybe....but i'm off to sleep for now, I haven't slept in 2 days.

Monday, October 17, 2011


Well today is Monday but yesterday it was Sunday .

And well....Sunday sucked.
All I did was create a blogger, watch Law and Order SVU all day then have a nice chill Sunday night,  Today was supposed to be better but I didn't wake up until 4:30 pm for some unkown reason.
Spending tomorrow looking for a job again, Maybe i'll type something more interesting tomorrow.

Question :
What do you guys do when you're bored?

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Music i've been jamming lately

I'd add pictures but i'm to lazzy.

El-P - I'll sleep when you're dead
I really like album, He's a GOAT producer and doesn't afraid of anything.
Nice album just to chill to.

In a room full of people you hate? and they shouldn't be there in the first place and you just want them to GET OUT?

Brotip: Blast any song by The Germs and It will drive them nuts and make them want to leave.
Or just blast Nyan cat for a straight 2 minutes, that'll annoy the daylights out of anyone. edit post to take out curse are not showing up and I was told do this or I gotta do some code thing...

Hi, how are you?

God damn that was a shitty album, but it had a cool cover with that frog looking thing. Anway, Hi I'm new to this site trying to get followers and etc...My user is YakEscape, some know me as Matt, or Jerry depending on who the person is. "What's this blog about?" some might want to know. This blog is about whatever is on my mind, Events of the day or past events, Music I'm listening to....And ranting about random crap that no one cares about.