Saturday, October 22, 2011

Standing in lines...and the word "EPIC"

Ughhh where to go on this one?
Standing in lines....It sucks people say the dumbest shit all the time, but you REALLY notice it when you're standing in line at the gas station waiting to buy a mountain dew and a pack of ciggs.

 For example this morning I woke up, took a shower, lifted my weights and put on some clean clothes to go get some goodies at the local Casey's down the street. I get there and I'm already annoyed by the fact there's a really long line at least 7 people and one cashier, So I kinda already knew it was going to be one of those "oh for ___ sake please doo nott..." experiences. What made it worse was right after I got my dew and my ID ready for the cashier to check so I could get my ciggs these two fat guys reeking of weed (not that weed is a problem. ) kinda pushed the elderly lady behind me and myself and shoved their fat selves in line. Normally I would probably be a D__ about this situation but I was feeling tired and didn't want to make some scene in the middle of Casey's because it was 8:35 in the morning, So I let that shit pass thinking I could get over it.

 The fat guy in the grey shirt practically pooped his pants farting. Then him and his other fat friend started talking and it's hard to ignore because they have these annoying little voices that remind you of the fat kid from American dad meets bevis and butthead, So what're they talking about? Mortal Kombat. The conversation wasn't to long but it really annoyed because the fat guy in the grey shirt was all "Dude, last night when I beat Shane in mortal kombat was so fucking epic like dude he had no chance at all I was so doing him so hard in the mouth last night"  HOLD UP HOLD UP! Did this prick just say "Epic"? Let's ignore the "doing him so hard in the mouth" thing here because I've heard worse on Runescape, but seriously EPIC? 

Epic is another one of those words I hate, Sure it was almost okay in 2006-07 whenever people started to constantly use it. But for ___ sake, I really doubt that there is anything EPIC about doing shane in the mouth in Mortal Kombat. INFACT I doubt there is anything EPIC in your Mortal Kombat couch sitting weed smoking lifes at all, EXCEPT how rude and fat you are.

People, Quit saying EPIC, It's lame and stupid. Not that my opinion matters..

Oh and let's ignore the fact epic was used completely wrong in the first place.

But least I made it out of Casey's without raging on someone... edit post to take out curse are not showing up and I was told do this or I gotta do some code thing...

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